Rural Water Action

RURAL WATER ACTION is rural and peri-urban centered development organization with a pledge to improve the welfare of our communities. We believe that sustainable development is one which is owned by affected people through participatory envisioning, planning, co-financing and implementation of coordinated sets of program and project activities

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The aim of the Organization is to strive to create a better living environment and improve the General welfare for Zambians living in rural and peri-urban communities.

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The main objectives of this organization are:

  1. To promote gender and social development
  2. To promote ecosystem conservation for sustainable water resource management
  3. To promote improved water, sanitation and health service delivery in rural and peri-urban areas
  4. To promote climate resilient rural livelihoods using water as a critical enabling resource

RWA, recognizes and promotes the equal worthy of all intended partners, stakeholders and beneficiaries of water and water related community-led development programmes and projects in their rights to participate and freely determine and build a dynamic, responsive and pursue development needs of their own free choice regardless of their political, religious, and ethnic and gender affiliations.