Our Services
Gender and Social Development
- To provide fora for active engagement of all social groups in the identification, planning and implementation of developmental initiatives
- To promote action that lead to social cohesion, dignity and renewed confidence and hope in families and communities
Sustainable Ecosystem Conservation
- Protecting and managing critical water conservation sites
- Rehabilitating and restoring critical water conservation sites
- Promoting adaptive climate resilient water harvesting technologies
Improved Water, Sanitation and Health
- Advocating for improved safe and affordable water and water services policy in rural and peri-urban areas
- Lobby and advocacy for inclusive, equitable and gender responsive health services
- Building capacity of rural and peri-urban communities in accessing and providing water, sanitation and health services
- Modeling of adaptive water and sanitation facilities for improved child and maternal health
- Promoting child and maternal health sensitive water, health and hygiene practices
- Promoting use of safe water as a determinant of nutritional wellbeing
- Champion anti-pollution campaigns for natural and artificial water sources
Improved Climate Resilient Rural Livelihoods
- Implementing agriculture activities for food and income security
- Implementing natural resource based food and security activities
- Modelling of water harvesting technologies
- Enhancing participatory planning and implementation of early warning systems
- Promote in situ and ex situ water related research linkages and collaboration for protection of fauna and flora and impact on human well being
- Advocate for sustainable management of natural resource